A Lenten Journey of Faith: What Does Christianity Teach Us?
As we enter the sacred season of Lent, we often embark on a journey of reflection, repentance, and renewal. Lent is a pilgrimage—a time to walk with Christ, drawing nearer to God through prayer, fasting, and study. In this spirit, our Lenten sermon series, "What Does Christianity Teach Us About...," we will explore foundational questions of our faith, guiding us through topics such as:
Who Is God
Resisting Temptation
God's Will
Other Religions
The Reason for Our Existence
Resisting Evil
As we wrestle with these important topics, let us consider the words of Martin Luther, who reminds us:
"This life, therefore, is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing,
not being, but becoming, not rest, but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it."
Lent is a season of becoming—a time to grow in understanding and faith, not just as individuals, but as a community of faith, for we are not alone. Maybe you know of family or friends who are struggling with some of these topics; invite them to church so they might find some healing and hope.
Join us on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings in Lent to explore Scripture and discover what Christianity teaches us as we journey together toward the hope of Easter morning.
Ash Wednesday Services: Noon (Louisville), 7:00pm (Belden)
Ashes to Go 7-9 am & 4-6 pm (Belden)
Wednesday Evening Lenten Services* 6:30pm (Belden)
*We’ll be using “Holden Evening Prayer” by Marty Haugen for the format of our worship.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Andrew